Any insights on Interview at Ministry of Government Services?

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Member since: Apr 09
Posts: 9

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-04-09 23:24:49

I have an interview scheduled with MGS tomorrow. Has anyone applied and been interviewed with the MGS before? Will really appreciate if you can share experiences and give me some insights on the overall process. They have put following criteria
1) written test
2) Give a presentation on the scenario given on the spot
3) interview
4) provide some documentation on the projects that were done
5) Give the references before hand including current manager


Member since: Apr 09
Posts: 9

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-04-09 12:25:45

Since no one posted response, it is quite possible that no Desi who saw this post is aware of the overall process. Now since I have been to the interview I might as well share my experience and hope it will be useful for next one. I also encourage any desi who is looking out for job to apply there. Initially I thought I will not see many desis working there but there were quite a few in there.
The interviews are not typical as you would experince with private organization.
You will not be assessed based on your prior experience but how you well you answer the question that they have. You will be assessed on the test results, The interview will have a laminated sheet containing questions that they will ask to every candidate. And based on responses you will get selected. I did do that well because I prepared more on my recente interview than reading the related books. I would suggest to read the books to prepare for interview. E.g. If you are applying for QA position then go through BOK of QAI.
And do not forget to re-read the big long job specification. There will be a question on that.
For those who recently passed any exam this interview will be very very easy.

Good luck and post me with any questions.

Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 2085
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-04-09 12:39:11

OP, Your original post was time-stamped Apr 7th, 2009 22:33 hrs for a interview the following day. It so happened I was busy yesterday and missed your post.

I work for the OPS and can tell you a few things:

1. These days the candidates have to be evaluated on 3 criteria, could be written test, presentation, interview. Some prefer to have 2 interviews instead of the written test.
2. As you mentioned about the job specs. Read every single word and ensure the key words appear in your resume, at the same time prepare to speak about those at the interview
3. For the most part candidates are not evaluated solely on their past experience, although it plays a major role in getting thru the initial screening and making it into the short list

As regards the laminiated sheet, that's a practice that MGS probably follows, not all Ministries do that, i.e. give you the interview Q's, but the same Q's are asked of all the candidates

Reiki Grand Master

Member since: Feb 09
Posts: 84

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-04-09 13:53:13

To add a few other things quickly here - they interview you on the basis of a Set of Questions written on the Sheet. They do not ask anything other than that and do not like any deviation. It is very focussed and they keep to that only. You may or may not have a written test. Specially, Senior positions may have Presentation tests as well.
They are supposed to write your answer (atleast important points) and later mark all your answers.
Your references are equally important. The higher they are up in the ladder -the better it is. And they mark their interactions with your references as well.
Having said all the things above - it is the hiring Manager who decides and really doesn't matter what you think. If there is a guy already 'Acting' in that position - chances are that he/she will get the job. You are there for them to prove that it was a fair competetion. In only 1 specific case - I saw that not happening.
But, in anycase - you can always email to the Hiring Manager and ask him to explain why you were not selected.
Remember to send a Thank You Email after your interview - to keep you more in his thoughts. Needless to say, a formal wear matters a lot too in these interviews.
But, this is just a discussion - God willing, you will be surely selected.
We all will pray for you.
Best of Luck

Yeh Hindustan Hamara Hai

Member since: Apr 09
Posts: 9

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-04-09 14:30:11

Thank you for the wishes and insights. I wish I had those earlier, definitely would have helped. Do you know if there is a restriction on applying on other similar position if a candidate was rejected? Also how many candidates usually they screen? Also it is reallly a catch22 situation to give your recent manager's reference. No manger would like his employee leaving and if for some reason the competition does not work out then you are in trouble. They were very adamant on the references.
I hope the hiring manager somehow likes the resume :)..will keep you all posted in either case.

Member since: Feb 09
Posts: 84

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 10-04-09 00:31:05

Hi, I don't think that giving your current Manager's reference is a good idea unless you know for sure about the impact. They cannot behave like kids on that issue. And if they, don't give a damn.
'A bird at hand is better than two in the bush.'
Usually, you need to give your references upfront. However, you can sign the sheet and send your references later (sooner) by Email as well.
As I said before, some hiring postings are just an exercise - they know who they will hire already.
It doesn't matter, if someone is rejected - he/she can apply for any open position.
Make sure, you have all or most of those buzz words in your resume that you find in the job description. They usually scan using either a software or just visually - depends. But, if you get called for an interview then you might be one of those less than 10 or 15 people (again it depends - hard to guess) shortlisted, out of those 300-400 applications.
Some Indian Managers do have fellow-feeling.
All the best

I probably forgot to add that the written test can be objective or subjective. If it is subjective - then it may have case scenarios. You should list as many options as you can, stating each scenarios' pros&cons. They like to know that you think out of the box and have multiple solutions. Be descriptive and explain as clearly as possible.
Incase of Presentation, make sure that your Powerpoint Presentation has a good look&feel, apart from the matter inside.
In anycase, keep in mind not to deviate from the question asked. Time doesn't always gets extended much. Stay focussed within the context and scope.
This is from an IT job perspective - hopefully is same for other streams as well.
Best Wishes

Yeh Hindustan Hamara Hai

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