Ruby Dhalla at her best...may be it is yet to come

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Member since: Jan 08
Posts: 429
Location: Ohio

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-05-09 12:07:59

Originally posted by Nightmare

Originally posted by dudewheresmycar

I dont know what Nightmare has said in the past.. but i think i have to agree on this one..

Both Ruby Dhalla and Malhi are garbage. Both have done very little for the community and are getting elected because of their ethnicity..

Malhi was seen at pro LTTE rallies recently.

These guys are just interested in vote bank politics and not contributing to their precint ..

Both think they are above god like politicians in india do..

And as long as we have uneducated ethnic voters in their precint they will continue to get elected.

Originally posted by Iknownothing

Originally posted by Nightmare

This is absolutely unfortunate and I hope and urge Desis to vote MP or MPP based on their record, service and dedication rather than ethnicity. This is not India and we should absolutely discard Indian mentality of electing a person on ethnicity/caste / religion.

You were the one advocating the need of a Hindu vote bank back in India in one of your posts. So it is OK to do it in India and not here in la la land?

For some reason whats 'unfortunate' here becomes the need of the hour back home. Talk about double standards and spinelessness.

I don't know what you mean by 'Indian Mentality', but I don't think we need to discard anything. Instead, YOU need to discard some of the garbage that you carry in your head, may be then you can think clearly....oh wait, if you discard that garbage, there won't be anything left... :D

You crack me up oldie... :)

Hey, I know you are obsessed with my posts here.

How you wish. I just like taking the dog out for a walk...on leash ofcourse. Go fetch now!! ... :)

Just do not start smiling, look at YOUR community in Pakistan and Iraq and you will find that your idol Osama has ignited war between Sunni and Shia. So take care of those fires first.

Time and again you keep proving that you are a mindless, senseless moron. Assuming that I am a Muslim and one from Pakistan and that all Muslims idolize Osama, you have only done it all over again.

By the way you did not say a word about Dhalla's behaviour.

It is common knowledge that Dhalla went to the Parliament riding on a vote bank based on ethnicity and religious belief (more of religious belief in this case), which I am condemning in my post. But, as always, you won't know.

What she did perfectly fits the text book definition of exploitation. Personally, I don't think there is gonna be any outcome of this hue and cry. I've lived in Springdale for a little bit and I can tell you that voicing a concern over the exploitation of a Filipino nanny doesn't register anywhere in the 'priority' list of people who voted for Ruby and this (alone) won't stop her from going to Ottawa once again.

Member since: Jan 08
Posts: 429
Location: Ohio

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-05-09 12:23:03

Originally posted by morning_rain

Originally posted by Nightmare

The fact still remains that she has done little for immigrants. We all know that immigrants from India are well eductaed professionals

and if something concrete is done to recognize/ credit given for their education / experience , then they can easily thrive without any further help.

She has done nothing towards this goal. It is very unfortunate that she has resorted to exploitation of immigrants. She claims that she was not aware and the whole thing was done by her family members.

Knowing what we know about close family ties that we Indians have, do you believe her?

Secondly - these are only allegations at this point (the nanny situation). Do you know that at any given time there are numerous postings for nannies, or caregivers for children that pay minimum wage, expect 12-16 hours of work per day including weekends, expect childcare, house work, behaviorial work and also other tasks as required by the workers. In addition, $350 per month are taken off the salary if room/board is required by the worker. This is more common that you may believe. I think this case has been brought to attention because of Ruby's political standing.

How does the demand for Nannies and the assumption that everyone out there is having a ball exploiting one by making them work 26 hours a day out of 24 justify what is being discussed here (Ruby Dhalla's act of exploitation)?

Member since: Feb 04
Posts: 213
Location: St. Catherines ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-05-09 13:23:30

Originally posted by morning_rain
Do you know that at any given time there are numerous postings for nannies, or caregivers for children that pay minimum wage, expect 12-16 hours of work per day including weekends, expect childcare, house work, behaviorial work and also other tasks as required by the workers. In addition, $350 per month are taken off the salary if room/board is required by the worker. This is more common that you may believe.

What kind of postings are you referring to? Craigslist postings?
I know that under the official, federal nanny program, the type of exploitation you describe is very rare and if it does happen, there are many recourses for nannies.
The hours of work and the living conditions are clearly defined and any household in violation will have the nanny services revoked from them if the nanny complains.
For example, nannies get the weekend off, can't be made to work 16 hr. days, have to be provided private, secure and healthy living environment, etc.

Like you, I don't live in Ontario either and know nothing about this particular politician, but your accusations against the nanny program are fantastic, not reality.
I'm sure those exploitations occur outside of the official system but not within.

Member since: Apr 06
Posts: 1170

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-05-09 20:10:58

Originally posted by morning_rain

Originally posted by Nightmare

The fact still remains that she has done little for immigrants. We all know that immigrants from India are well eductaed professionals

and if something concrete is done to recognize/ credit given for their education / experience , then they can easily thrive without any further help.

She has done nothing towards this goal. It is very unfortunate that she has resorted to exploitation of immigrants. She claims that she was not aware and the whole thing was done by her family members.

Knowing what we know about close family ties that we Indians have, do you believe her?

Since I dont live in Ontario and follow the politics of that region, I am just relying on internet data. Wikipedia says that Ruby promoted a program which accelerated the foreign credential recognition process in 2005.

No one has experinced any acceleration in recognition nor is there any change in recognition

Secondly - these are only allegations at this point (the nanny situation). Do you know that at any given time there are numerous postings for nannies, or caregivers for children that pay minimum wage, expect 12-16 hours of work per day including weekends, expect childcare, house work, behaviorial work and also other tasks as required by the workers. In addition, $350 per month are taken off the salary if room/board is required by the worker. This is more common that you may believe. I think this case has been brought to attention because of Ruby's political standing.

Well, Lalu and Maya also advance the same arguments- there are allegations and no conviction. However, newspaper reports give sufficiently detailed accounts of explotation. I would never trust her. Being public figure, she certainly bears burden of higher standards. I have not seen advertisement for nannies as detailed by you above. Assuming it is true, still Dhalla being a politician CAN not and SHOULD not exploit IMMIGRANTS. Shame on her.
I cannot comment on Ruby's ethics, but it does seem logical that there are others who may be jealous of her status/power/money etc at such a young age and who are out there to discredit her. By critisizing her because of her ethnicity, you are generalizing. How do you know all indians have close family ties?? I dont.

I have and most Indians have. As per the report, she stays quite a lot with her mother

Member since: Mar 09
Posts: 327

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-05-09 22:54:38

Ruby has behaved like an Arab Sheikh. This happens regularly in Gulf countries.

The nanny program should be closed by CIC.

Read this article

Gulf region's newest pipeline: human trafficking

The US named four Gulf allies as among the worst at combating human trafficking.
By Jamie Etheridge

KUWAIT CITY – When Judy left her home on the southern coast of the Philippines this spring, it was her first trip abroad and her first time on an airplane. She was excited, nervous, and sad all at once.

Like many young Filipina women before her, awaiting her in Kuwait was the promise of a good job and enough money to support her family and save for school. She was to become a nanny and tutor to a young boy.

But on her first day working for the Kuwaiti family for whom she had been hired by a recruiting office in Mindanao, Philippines, her excitement quickly turned to fear.

Her new 'Mama' - what Asian maids in the Gulf call their female sponsors - told her, " 'I don't like you, you are ugly,' " says Judy, who didn't give her last name, in an interview at the Philippine labor attache's office in Kuwait. "I didn't understand what was going on. I just wanted to cry."

Work began at 5 a.m. and ended at midnight. "I washed clothes, cleaned the floors, scrubbed toilets and sinks and bathrooms. And just kept doing that over and over again," she says. "All this and no food, no rest."

One day she waited until her sponsor was out, then packed a bag, and escaped to the Philippine Embassy joining hundreds of other Filipina women who have run away from their Kuwaiti employers to seek sanctuary at the Overseas' Workers' Administration at the embassy.

Unable to leave until her sponsor pays her back wages because she cannot afford to buy a plane ticket home, Judy and the other women spend their days sitting in the embassy, unable to get another job and unable to go home.

Thousands of men, women, and children, most of them from Asia, will be trafficked to the Gulf this year to live as what the US State Department calls "modern day slaves." Most won't know until they get here what lies in store for them and hundreds will, like Judy, flee their employers, suffer physical, emotional and/or sexual abuse, and go home empty-handed.

The trafficking trap

In June the US State Department listed Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) among 14 countries that do little or nothing to stop human trafficking. Washington lowered all four to its Tier 3 category, which could eventually lead to economic sanctions if these countries do not act to stem the flow of trafficking across their borders.

The State Department says that 600,000 to 800,000 men, women, and children worldwide are victims of trafficking - the recruitment, transportation, or harboring of people by means of threat, force, coercion, fraud, or deception for the purpose of exploitation and forced labor.

There are no raw numbers on how many of these trafficked persons - who can end up being maids, factory workers, camel jockeys, or prostitutes - come to the Middle East. But the Gulf boasts one of the highest populations of expatriate labor forces in the world, with more than 10 million. In Kuwait, there is an average of one maid for every two Kuwaitis and in the UAE, 1.6 million people, or 80 percent of the total population, are expatriate workers.

Washington accuses the Arab Gulf states of failing to "comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and not making significant efforts to do so." The US lambastes Kuwait and its neighbors for failing to "take significant steps to address trafficking, particularly efforts to prosecute trafficking crimes and protect victims."

The thousands of Bangladeshi, Filipino, Indonesian, Sri Lankan, and other Asian women and men who seek sanctuary at their embassies across the region each week see little improvement in their conditions.

'Modern day slaves'

Marie, another young Filipina interviewed for this story, can barely hold back the tears as she tells her story. "I dreamed I wanted to go abroad to support my family ... and when I came to Kuwait I thought my dream came true but when I reached my employer they were at first nice but then they kicked me and hit me," she says.

Like Judy, Marie eventually ran away. "I had a chance to escape and I went to the police station and an officer took me to the hospital." With the help of Philippine counselors, she filed a case against her sponsor for mistreatment and a court awarded her 500 Kuwait dinars ($1,712). But she has yet to receive the money.

In neighboring Saudi Arabia, a nongovernmental human rights watchdog, the National Human Rights Association, says that it has received about 2,000 complaints of abuse since it was established last year.

The State Department, in its annual trafficking report, says, "Saudi Arabia is a destination for men and women from South and East Asia and East Africa trafficked for the purpose of labor exploitation, and for children from Yemen, Afghanistan, and Africa trafficking for forced begging."

A spokesman for the Saudi Foreign Minister denounced the US report. "We are surprised by the contents of the report, and we disagree with most of what has been mentioned," Prince Turki bin Mohammed bin Saud al-Kabeer told Reuters. "The rules and regulations of Saudi Arabia prohibit exploitation and trafficking of people. Our religion also does not accept this," he said.

The fight against trafficking

In the trafficking report, the US outlines specifically what measures it expects countries identified as the worst offenders to undertake in order to improve the situation. Speaking via videoconferencing at the US Embassy in Kuwait on June 22, James Miller, senior adviser to the secretary of State and director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, called on the government to combat its problems with "modern day slavery" by raising public awareness, improving labor laws to protect victims, and prosecuting offenders.

As most locals will acknowledge, the lifestyle of Gulfies (nationals from any of the Arab Gulf states) is built on a foundation of foreign labor. Most citizens' households - including high-ranking government officials, human rights advocates, as well as labor activists - have at least one and often several servants including a driver, cook, and maid.

Some young women who are brought here to be trapped into domestic servitude and often abused see no way out of their situation other than suicide. Instances of young Asian maids killing themselves by hanging or jumping off high buildings are a regular occurrence.

But for those able to escape, like 18-year-old Sittie Leng, there is hope they'll eventually return home.

Ms. Leng flips her long hair across her shoulders. "Household chores are not meant for me," she says.

After signing a contract in Mindanao and arriving in Kuwait, she switched employers three times in four months. In the last house, she was made a babysitter and that suited her better. But after one month, she grew worried when she saw her employers beating the three maids.

"Shouting, hitting, beating, kicking, using the wood to hit. I was scared that maybe they would hit me next. The maids had black marks all over their bodies. Our employer is like a devil and that house is like a hell - a hell house."

The four of them eventually fled together. Now Leng thinks only of going home. "I want to study nursing," she says.

When asked what she'll tell other Filipinas who think of coming to the Gulf to work, she laughs and shakes her head: "Beware," she says.

Member since: Jan 09
Posts: 71

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-05-09 09:59:30

Two issues emerge as we get more information:

1. If you look at the type of 'work' these care givers were being asked to do, such as daily scrubbing(not involving mops!) on hands and knees, one does get the picture of a 'desi' approach and what we call 'mai' in North India.

Clearly there was abuse of power and exploitation.

2. This kind of thing is very common when it comes to immigrants. Being paid under the table is nothing new, nor is exploitation. The issue is that a 'star' immigrant MP was pulling this off!

Another issue is that of vote banks. Well, I ask you this. Would this individual have been elected in an area NOT dominated by immigrants? I doubt it!

Member since: Nov 06
Posts: 1628
Location: carl sagan's universe

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-05-09 10:02:33

Ruby Dhalla is also high profile and high maintenance.
She drives up to conventions in chauffer driven cars, wears Jimmy Choo shoes and other brand label apparel.
From what I hear investigations are going on to see whether the money for all this comes from personal funds (or family funds) or from tax payers' coffers.

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