Moving to the US of A.: Suggestions & advice Please!!

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Member since: Jul 12
Posts: 1

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-07-12 06:32:38

I have spent the last 11 years in tranquil, peaceful Canada. There have been trials and tribulations, none of which I am bitter about. The time has come for me to move to the US on a green card, as my family lives there. It hasn't been an easy decision, but I guess sometimes one has to take a chance, and move one, like I left India many years back to seek a better life here. I would be moving to the Dallas Fort Worth Area.

The reason I am posting this is to seek the advice of my learned friends here, who have a better insight into the area I am seeking to move to professionally - the IT area.

I have a masters in business from India, have 20 + years of experience in Sales, & Marketing. I also have a few years in non IT recruitment in India. After being in Customer relations here in Canada, I have decided to become a recruiter in the US.

There are no specific courses to take to learn recruitment , other than do a professional course in HR (like the \"certified HR professional course).

The various pieces of advice I have been offered include the following:

A) Do a short course in some IT related field (like the Business analyst course or that in Quality assurance), to become familiar with technology, and terminology before I seek a position in IT recruitment.

B) Start off as a general recruiter, using my education, people and sales skills and then move on to IT recruitment later.

I would be grateful for your valuable insights and advice. Thank you in advance for your time and effort.

Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 1853
Location: GTA, Ontario

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-07-12 23:42:50

I've stayed mostly on the other side, switched side to recruitment when ever I expand my team and again not as a recruiter but as a resource requester.

Anyhow, if you already have experience in recruitment / HR and you have clear path ahead of you in HR and recruitment why bother doing IT courses as they train for a specific role or on a specific platform.

Initially, you would be relying a lot on the original specification given by the requester, as your experience grow you would be doing a lot on your own. I'm just touching the IT part here leaving the HR to you.

If you're curious, you could always ask someone to explain you a technology from a broad perspective.

I believe, even if its a rocket science, there is always a over all picture about the overall show and a point to start.

There are lot of IT folks in this forum who are willing to spend some time when some one is switching career and starting one. Go ahead post specific question in future, you are most likely to get some good answers.

Good luck with your move and new career...

Originally posted by mov2dallas

The various pieces of advice I have been offered include the following:

A) Do a short course in some IT related field (like the Business analyst course or that in Quality assurance), to become familiar with technology, and terminology before I seek a position in IT recruitment.

B) Start off as a general recruiter, using my education, people and sales skills and then move on to IT recruitment later.

I would be grateful for your valuable insights and advice. Thank you in advance for your time and effort.

The cowards never started,
The weak died on the way,
Only the strong arrived.

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