Biomedical Engg jobs

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Member since: Dec 07
Posts: 11

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-01-10 19:01:42

I am looking for job in Biomedical Engineerig field, in GTA, after finishing studies from Canada recently. If anyone can provide any pointers, they will be much appreciated.

If someone is working in a biomedical based organization/company and can help with forwarding my resume, kindly let me know.

Thanks in advance

Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-01-10 02:27:08

You will have to learn it or pull up your socks and go hammer and tongs at it.

For leads, take a shot at "McMastrers". They have oodles and oodles of dough. They are not bakers. Now start on the right foot. You will go a long way. There are others who are rivals in the same field. Hence the suggestion to do your own DD.


Member since: Dec 07
Posts: 11

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-01-10 11:20:37

Originally posted by ftfl

You will have to learn it or pull up your socks and go hammer and tongs at it.

For leads, take a shot at "McMastrers". They have oodles and oodles of dough. They are not bakers. Now start on the right foot. You will go a long way. There are others who are rivals in the same field. Hence the suggestion to do your own DD.


Thanks for the response Freddie but I am missing the point, maybe its the fact that I am new on the forum.

I have already finished my Masters from a Canadian University in Biomed Engg and am now loking for a job. I am actively searching out as many options as I can in this field in GTA.

As for McMaster University Biomedical Engg school, I have not been able to find any employment oportunities with them. Mebbe you can shed some more light on your response

Thanks a lot :)

Member since: Dec 07
Posts: 11

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-01-10 11:32:45

Thanks for the response Freddie but I am missing the point, maybe its the fact that I am new on the forum.

I have already finished my Masters from a Canadian University in Biomed Engg and am now loking for a job. I am actively searching out as many options as I can in this field in GTA.

As for McMaster University Biomedical Engg school, I have not been able to find any employment oportunities with them. Mebbe you can shed some more light on your response

Thanks a lot :)

Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-01-10 13:10:02

I am sure you would have gotten to know the employment field, here in Canada, while you were doing your Masters. Now you also know what are the next options available to you.

In the field of research, if you would like to get credits, a higher level of education in your field will fetch you a much better return in the future. Your coach would have given you a lot of pointers on this subject matter from time to time. If you are still associated with that particular institution, where you studied, please ask the coach if there is any rivalry here in Canada with any of the other institutions that are doing similar research and how far are they advanced in that field. Also if there are any chances of getting a suitable placement with any of them in the field of your choice. You don't just get education, you get educated in a field that has a demand. Otherwise you will be one of the 'also rans'.

There are a lot of grants made available to these institutions for furthering not only your studies, they also get funded to the field of research for advancement purposes. I am sure you know that also. Find out who will be receiving a share of the pie and if there be a chance you can join them and make some headway in your field. If the funds are not forthcoming in the field in which you are currently educated and qualified, then you may have to move onto the next one that is currently making the funds available, and get into the next. Then again, see if they will take you under their umbrella and help further their cause.

The research grants made available are about 20 times more in the USA than here in Canada. It might suit you to move if any such funding is available at any of the Educational Institutions there in the USA.

You came at the right time here to ask the question and I am sure you will hit the right parties here in Canada and also across the border, as the budgets for Research for the current year are just about to get released.

A trip back to where you studied will be well worth it. Then discuss this with some one higher up there.


Member since: Dec 07
Posts: 11

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-01-10 13:15:29

Hi Freddie,

This is indeed helpful. Thanks a lot for explaining in detail. I now have a better understanding of what you had been saying :) .

Member since: Sep 06
Posts: 666
Location: GTA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-01-10 16:17:25

Here is a list of companies in the biomedical enginnering area by province

Biomedical Engineers can also find opportunities in hospitals and other medical facilities. Here is a list of hospitals in Canada. Go to their websites and see if there are any vacancies in the careers section

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