Education in India: VIT University, Vellore, Tamilnadu, India

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Member since: Nov 08
Posts: 1448
Location: Sunny - Leone

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-05-10 16:48:44

I have learnt about this institute in Tamilnadu, India and I've obtained great reviews about this place.

Some of my relatives have passed out of this place and have been recruited directly into TCS, Infosys and other majors.

Their Biotechnology laboratory and program is world class and their equipments are equivalent to what you have in Harvard, Caltech or MIT.

They are hiring Desi professors from US universities with salaries like USD 100,000 plus benefits.

My sources say that this university has laboratory equipments in all fields worth atleast USD 1 Billion. Many from the bio related fields are going to US for further education or being hired by the upcoming biotech field of India based in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Pune.

Another great stuff in program is that they offer integrated programs in all fields.

You could do a 5.5 year program where you can come out with a bachelor degree in basic engineering followed by a MBA or a Masters degree. The course is 5 years and you have co-op for 6 months with major companies in India.

This campus is currently featured in the new Tamil movie called \"Endhiran\" starring Rajnikanth and Aishwarya Rai - directed by Shankar.

The fees are quite steep in comparison to Indian standards but that is made up by exposure to modern courses, equipment and professors of global standard.

I strongly suggest the Southies in this site to have a look/feedback on this university so that there is an alternative for their children from USA or Canada.

The fees are quite steep in regards to that of Indian standard but is all made up by the equipments, course content and the faculty of this place.

This is an ideal place for anybody who wants to get their kids to have international education on a Rupee budget with good possibility of job after graduation.



Sunny Leone a true Canadian DESI now back in India !.

Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-05-10 22:33:10

I disagree VM.
Western University education is the best.
I was educated in a central govt. engineering college in TN and the professors were crap. The course material was outdated and honestly people become professors b'cos they were not able to get a job in field.
I know when vellore Engg. college, Shanmuga, sathyabhama and Mookambigai started and how they used to use retired professors and Physics/maths/Chemistry professors to teach students. Their bottom line was money.
If Desi univ. professors (from US) are recruited, then they might teach well. But remember, it may be like a 2 month stint in a year or so. Who will stay in Vellore?
To that end, I might credit SRM, HIET, Bharat and Sathyabhama of having good faculty as they are in Chennai.
The reason why people are getting employed (coming from these schools) is not b'cos of the high quality of education but rather b'cos India is booming. They desparately need people to fill positions.
I came to Canada b'cos the Govt. of Canada spin machine went to a level as to say that Canada has 1 million jobs left unfilled and that if you know how to handle a mouse, you will get a good software engr. job. The same is a reality in India + the amount of bribe parents can give.
People who used to eat curd rice and have 20 acres of Tharisu nilam (land) are now multi crorepathi's and they can afford to blow the money for their children.
We are living is cursed times in Canada.
Peace by TK

I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

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