Discussion on article: Angry Muslims-an eye opener by a muslim

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Angry Muslims-an eye opener by a muslim
By: killingraja

This is an article published on 24th sep,2006 in a Pakistani newspaper

By Dr Farrukh Saleem

Muslims are angry with the Jews. We are angry with the Christians. Pakistani Muslims are angry with Jews, Christians and Hindus. People of the Book -- Jews, Christians and Muslims -- are all at war while China and India stride ahead.

We are angry so we turn their technology against them; use their planes to bring their high-rises down and use their cell phones to detonate bombs in their high speed trains (the first hand held mobile phone to become commercially available was the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X).

Can we win by downing their high-rises or by murdering commuters?

We were angry with the Danes so we boycott their butter and their cheese. By the same logic, if we are angry with the Jews shouldn't we stop using vaccinating needles? Stop using polio drops; end all vaccinations for Hepatitis B, stop using kidney
dialysis machines, stop treating leukaemia and stop treating syphilis? Should we even stop using computers because the first micro-processing chip was invented by a Jew (Pentium-4 microprocessor and Centrino processor were entirely designed, developed, and produced in Israel)? If we are angry with the Jews shouldn't we return our nuclear chain reactors, all our optical fibre cables, traffic lights, videotape recorders and everything made of stainless steel? Stop wearing jeans, boycott Baskins & Robbins, Dunkin Donuts, Starbuck's and Dell Computers? Stop using Google as well as Oracle? We are angry with the Jews, Christians and Hindus. Angry, however, isn't taking us anywhere. Angry won't ever get us anything.

Shouldn't we be even angrier with ourselves? Look around, what has been the Muslim contribution to humanity over the past one thousand years? Look around, how many items of daily use in our lives are Muslim inventions?

After all, there are 57 Muslim-majority member-states of the OIC. Can anyone name just one Muslim country responsible for a major technological, scientific or a medical breakthrough? Can anyone name an Arab country -- just one -- who's intellectual output has enriched humanity?

True, Al-Khwarizmi, the 'father of Algebra', was a great mathematician, astrologer and astronomer. Al-Farghani had measured Earth's diameter.

Ibn Sina gave humanity 'The Canon of Medicine'. Omar al-Khayyam discovered binominal expansion, measured the length of the year to within six decimal points (as 365.242195), mapped the stars in the sky and showed the world how to solve cubic equations (in 1970, a lunar crater was named after him and in 1980 an asteroid was named after him).

Al-Farghani died in 833; Al-Khwarizmi in 850, Ibn Sina in 1,037 and Omar al-Khayyam in 1,123. Question: What have Muslims contributed to the human civilisation over the past 833 years?

We are angry at America. But why is America the richest and the most powerful? Of America 's 298 million citizens 1.1 million qualify as 'scientists'. Of the 1.3 billion Muslims less than 300,000 qualify as 'scientists'. Among them, fifty-seven OIC countries have an average of ten universities each for a total of less than 600 universities for 1.3 billion Muslims.

America has 5,758 universities. Of the 1.3 billion Muslims more than 800 million are absolutely illiterate.

Once again, angry won't get us anything. Every Muslim wants the followers of Islam to become the dominant force. What then should be the winning strategy?

History stands witness that when Muslims owned the largest library we overpowered Constantinople, Nimes (in France), North Africa, Cyprus, Sardinia, Sicily, Egypt, Jerusalem, Syria, Walachia (Romania), Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Persia, Venice and Hungary.

Back then, Muslims weren't angry they were busy building libraries, producing knowledge and consuming knowledge produced by others (and not boycotting). The Caliphs of Cordoba ruled Spain for 275 years. Arab occupation of Sicily lasted 264 years. Are we now angry at America because America has been occupying Iraq since 11:30 a.m. the 19th of March 2003?

The Library of Congress is now the largest library; one hundred and twenty-eight million items on 530 miles of bookshelves. The collections include more than 29 million books, 2.7 million recordings, 12 million photographs, 4.8 million maps, 5 million music items and 57 million manuscripts. The Library of Congress receives some 22,000 items each working day and adds approximately 10,000 items to the collections daily.

Angry won't do it. 9/11 won't do it. 7/7 won't do it. Library is the way.

The writer is an Islamabad-based freelance columnist.

Member since: Mar 05
Posts: 103
Location: Toronto, Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 24-10-06 17:44:55

Article is located here: http://www.canadiandesi.com/article.php?SID=10&AID=158" rel="nofollow">LINK

S. kanji
I may not agree with your opinions, but I will fight to death for you be able to air your views.

Member since: Mar 05
Posts: 103
Location: Toronto, Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 24-10-06 17:51:25

Perhaps the Pope isn't fully aware of the Muslim legacy

I wonder if Pope Benedict XVI was served a meal of paella during his trip to Spain in July.

The dish of rice, seafood and vegetables has its origins in 10th-century Andalusia. During the rule of the Caliphate of Cordoba, servants from the royal kitchen would set up a kind of soup kitchen outside the gates of the Alhambra palace and hand out "leftovers" --rice, fish and vegetables all mixed together. Indeed, the word paella comes from the Arabic ba'ella, meaning leftovers.

This practice of feeding the hungry comes directly from the Prophet Mohammed who also gathered the poor outside his home and mosque in Medina and fed them at mealtimes. The tradition was carried on by his cousin Ali ibn Abu Talib and adopted by succeeding Muslim rulers.

In fact, social responsibility for the disenfranchised and dispossessed is a central tenet of Mohammed's teachings, forming one the five pillars of Islam in the form of zakat or charity. The Holy Koran says human beings have been given a cosmological station above the angels due to their unique gift of reason -- aql; this in turn enjoins them with the responsibility of being custodians of the Earth.

Mohammed, along with Jesus and Moses, preached humanism. He encouraged wealthy Muslim merchants to free their slaves, setting an example by appointing Bilaal --an Abyssinian slave, bought and freed by his uncle Abu Bakr, as the first muezzin, to chant the adhan and thereby call the faithful to prayer. He later became one of Mohammed's trusted companions, a kin to one of the 12 disciples of Jesus, and was charged with the responsibility for the public treasury of the first Muslim community.

The early Muslim community reformed the social and legal status of women by granting them the right to inherit property and to own it after they were married (something that only became legal in Europe in the 19th century), and the right to divorce and remarriage (something Catholicism still does not permit.) Muslim leaders demanded that Muslims girls be educated and spoke out against the then common practices of female infanticide and forced prostitution.

Pope Benedict must be grateful for his eyeglasses, which allow him to see and read his speeches. He might therefore benefit from a little scientific research to discover Ibn Al-Haytham --known in Europe as Alhazen -- the father of modern optics. Haytham was a 10th-century mathematician and scientist from Basra, Iraq. He became a scholar of the Fatimid court in Egypt and was the first to describe in full detail the various parts of the eye and give a scientific explanation of the process of vision.

Should the Pope perhaps not be overly appreciative of the science of optometry, then surely he must acknowledge the science of medicine as a significant contribution to the human condition.

Who is the founder of modern medicine? Ibn Sina, known in Europe as Avicenna. He became a scientist under the auspices of the Samanid administration in Central Asia. In addition to 99 books about philosophy, medicine, geometry and astronomy, Ibn Sina also wrote 16 medical works. The most important of his books are the Kitab al-Shifa, the Book of Healing, and the Qanun al-Tibb, the Laws of Health, also known as the Canon of Medicine. Both are still widely used for reference at medical schools.

What is the oldest university in the world? Most Europeans will name the University of Bologna in Italy, founded in 1088.

However, the University of Al-Azhar was founded in Cairo in 980 by the Fatimid Caliph Al-Mu'iz. Al-Azhar was a place of learning, a place of contemplation, of scientific enquiry and experiment, a hospital and a mosque. It was here that the likes of Ibn Haytahm studied and taught; here that the foundations of modern physics, astronomy, architectural engineering and mathematics were expounded; here that the canons of Greek Philosophy were guarded and translated into Arabic. Perhaps if nothing else can move the Pope, the words of Mowlana Jalaluddin Rumi, one of Islam's greatest poets, celebrated the world over by Muslims and non-Muslims alike, should induce him to reconsider his judgment of the Islamic civilization. Rumi, who was born in Balkh, Afghanistan, wrote the poem about Jesus whom Islam embraces as a Prophet of God.

S. kanji
I may not agree with your opinions, but I will fight to death for you be able to air your views.

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