U.S. plans border exemption for Canadians

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Member since: Nov 02
Posts: 239
Location: USA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 17-04-03 13:06:54

Ottawa — Canadian citizens are expected to gain a long-sought exemption from new U.S. entry and exit controls that threaten to disrupt border traffic, U.S. Ambassador Paul Cellucci said yesterday.

In an interview at the embassy on Sussex Drive, Mr. Cellucci sought to allay fear that recent tensions over Iraq will have an adverse impact on economic or business relations between Canada and the U.S.

The outspoken ambassador, who raised Canadian hackles recently when he talked about the U.S. being "upset" at Ottawa's refusal to join the war, said the two governments continue to work normally on a number of fronts, from energy to trade to border security.

Mr. Cellucci said the Bush administration is planning to exempt U.S. and Canadian citizens from a law that will require a system to track all entries to and exits from the United States by 2005.

The Chrétien government has lobbied hard for such an exemption, saying it is needed to keep people and commerce flowing freely across the border.

"We still have some more legal work to do, but it looks like U.S. and Canadian citizens would not be subject to the entry-exit," Mr. Cellucci said, adding that non-citizens who are permanent residents of the two countries would be affected.

He said the administration is taking the view that the law requires registration only of people who require secure documents to cross the border — and that does not include American or Canadian citizens.

Applied across the board, the new system could cause huge backlogs at busy U.S-Canada border points, hampering trade and tourism. Under the system, ordered by Congress after the terrorist attacks of Sept, 11, 2001, the aim was to have the United States register every person entering and leaving the country.

The Chrétien government is considering a plan that would have Canada Customs officials collect exit information on non-citizens and pass it to U.S. authorities.

Mr. Cellucci said the work on the border is just one area where Canada-U.S. relations are proceeding normally, despite the recent strain over this country's decision not to support the war in Iraq.



Garvo Gujarati   
Member since: Nov 01
Posts: 3116

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 17-04-03 15:00:12

This is not going to help Permenant Residents holding passport from countries like India.

I was not aware that by 2005 they were planning to screen each and every exit - entry. Can they do that?

Anyway now they realize that it is going to affect the business.

A Proud Indian Canadian

Member since: Nov 02
Posts: 239
Location: USA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 17-04-03 17:41:38


I was not aware that by 2005 they were planning to screen each and every exit - entry. Can they do that?

They can, all this years the funds were lacking. But after 9/11, the INS (now BCIS) getting solid funding.

This new system born after 9/11 attacks. Every entry point (Sea, Land and Air) will be recorded. It replaces the current I-94 system, which by the way is stupid.

The new system is called "National Security Entry-Exit Registration System"



Anyway now they realize that it is going to affect the business.

But this exception for Canadians news is very welcome for the local business. Canadian govt. made good efforts for this exception.


This is not going to help Permenant Residents holding passport from countries like India.

I know. That's sad.

When a reporter asked Canada PM about the new US visa rule for Canada PR holders, his answer was "If they want have no visa system let them become Canadian citizens".

When PM is not supporting PR holders, who else will do it? We hope that this guy kicked out of office before Feb 2004, he is spoiling the relations between US and Canada.

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