OCI (original Indian passports)

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Member since: Nov 06
Posts: 634

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-03-15 16:44:58

I applied for OCI (Vancouver jurisdiction) in first week of January. I never received anything in mail though after one week online status on https://passport.gov.in/oci/statusEnqury started showing application received and under process.

Now it is showing as Document received from India on 20th Feb and I got an email from BLS International in Vancouver saying that I should send my Canadian passports for stamping to nearest BLS centre.

What I am concerned about is that I never got my original Indian passports back yet. Those were the only originals I sent with the application, everything else was an attested copy.

I tried to contact BLS Calgary but they are asking me to contact CGI Vancouver. Its not possible to talk to anybody in CGI Vancouver as the phone no only has automated message and no option to talk to anybody.

I have replied to BLS International's email asking about my original passports but not sure if I'll get any reply.

Could you please share your experience about when did you get the original documents back especially from CGI Vancouver?

Is it possible that they would send the original Indian passports back along with Canadian passports with OCI sticker?

Or is it possible they may have lost my original Indian passports? :-(

Thank you.

Member since: Aug 11
Posts: 1041

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-03-15 17:43:57

EDIT : Is it possible that they would send the original Indian passports back along with Canadian passports with OCI sticker?

The above possibility might exist, if so its something new. But the standard procedure before this was the originals like Indian PP etc , were sent back to you much earlier.

If you go physically , 4 physical trips are required , start to finish. If you do it by post its pretty much the same thing, but you have to pay for or include a return Express envelope, for sending of the documents back.

Usually in just 2-3 weeks the original documents come back ( i.e Step 2 ) , and you go to collect them physically or they mail it to you , whatever the case might be.

I think your Indian PP is just lying somewhere in the BLS office or Embassy , & someone has dropped the ball..& failed to mail it back to you. Either the embassy never sent it back to BLS after verification OR BLS never mailed it back to you after receiving it from the embassy. Something is definitely wrong, it should have come long time back..I hope the courier didn't lose it.

That's why I don't trust these people, & as far as possible , you should try to send & collect documents physically from them.

I am surprised they only asked for your Indian PP as the original , usually its the whole nine yards - your Indian PP, Landing Paper , Surrender Certificate, Citizenship Certificate , Even Marriage certificate even if your spouse is NOT applying !..so you are lucky they only asked for your original Indian PP & copies of the rest.

Your OCI , U Visa stamping ( i.e when you do send them the Canadian PP for stamping ) etc has all gone through smoothly.

1. First trip , apply with all original docs and application .

They keep the originals , which they send to the embassy for verification.

They give you the Canadian PP back immediately On the spot after verification, but all other originals like landing paper , indian PP etc etc are sent to the embassy.

2. Second trip , to go and collect all the originals , which come back from the embassy after verification, like landing paper, Indian PP etc etc.

3. Third trip, once OCI is approved ..you have to go and submit the Canadian PP again , so that they can stamp the U visa on it.

They don't stick the U visa on it immediately , which is ridiculous. They make you come back again to pick up your Canadian PP with the visa on it and the OCI booklet.

4. Fourth & Final Trip and the ordeal is finally over !!!

You go in to pick up your Canadian PP with the OCI U visa on it and the OCi booklet !

Member since: Nov 06
Posts: 634

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-03-15 18:52:30

Thank you adamthorat for your detailed reply.

I also think that I should have received my Indian passports back by now. I paid for both pickup and delivery intially and BLS assured me that its perfectly safe way to apply.

For CGI Vancouver, BLS clearly states on their website that only originals needed are Indian passports and everything else is attested photocopy and I also confirmed with them about it before sending my application.

Does somebody else has similar experience especially for CGI Vancouver?. Febpreet, I remember that you were also about to apply for OCT, did you do it?

Thanks again

Member since: Dec 14
Posts: 66

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-03-15 13:26:40

BLS - is confused and misleading .


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