real signs -----really funny

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Member since: Aug 03
Posts: 446
Location: CaNaDa

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-11-04 19:38:29

Real Anti-War Signs Protesting the War Against Iraq
What follows is a transcription of some of the best signs in Washington during the peace march January 18, 2003.

Drunken frat boy drives country into ditch.

Bush/Cheney: Malice in Blunderland

Who would Jesus bomb?

War begins with 'Dubya'.

Bush is proof that empty warheads can be dangerous.

Let's bomb Texas, they have oil too.

How did our oil get under their sand?

If you can't pronounce it, don't bomb it.

Daddy, can I start the war now?

1000 points of light and one dim bulb.

Sacrifice our SUV's, not our children.

Preemptive impeachment.

No George, I said Mac Attack.

Look, I'll pay more for gas!

He is a moron and a bully.

It's the stupid economy.

Draft Richard Perle.

Draft dodgers shouldn't start wars.

War is sweet to those who haven't tasted it (Erasmus).

Pillow fights only.

Our grief [over 9/11] is not a cry for war.

Different Bush, same shit.

Stop the Bushit.

Just war/just oil.

You don't have to like Bush to love America.

Bushes are for pissing on.

Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld: the asses of evil.

$1 billion a day to kill people-what a bargain.

Consume - Consume - Bomb - Bomb - Consume - Consume

What's the difference between me & God?Ý
He might forgive Bush, but I won't.

Smush Bush.

America, get out of the Bushes.

It's time to trim the Bush.

Don't make me come back here [to a peace rally] again.

Disarm Bush too.

Big brother isn't coming-he's already here.

Empires fall.

An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind (Gandhi).

Impeach the squatters.

Mainstream white guys for peace. (Sign held by three mainstream-looking white guys)

Hans Blix-look over here.

Let Exxon send their own troops.

Curious, George? -- get a clue.

Destroy Florida. [It could happen again]

There's a terrorist behind every Bush.

How many bodies per mile?

SUV owners roll over for terrorism.

We can't afford to rule the world.

War is so 20th century!

9-11-01: 15 Saudis, 0 Iraqis.

While you were watching the war, Bush was raping America.

Don't waive your rights while waving your flag.

Leave Desert Storm to the desert.

Drop Bush not bombs.

Sacrifice our SUVs, not our children.

Bush is to Christianity as Osama is to Islam.

I asked for universal health care and all I got was this lousy stealth bomber.

America's problems won't be solved in Iraq.

War is not a family value.

2-sided poster, one side has a picture of a chubby feline, with the words: GOOD FAT CAT. The other side has a picture of Cheney, with the words: BAD FAT CAT

**Colorfully dressed drag queen carrying a sign that says: I am the bomb.

Picture of the peace symbol: back by popular demand.

A picture of Bush with a red-stained upper lip: Got blood?

A picture of Bush saying "Why should I care what the American people think? They didn't vote for me."

A picture of Bush saying "Ask me about my lobotomy."

Beneath a picture of Osama bin Laden dressed as Uncle Sam: I want YOU to bomb Iraq

:cheers: :cheers:
bush the son of a pitch
i m too bad in spelling.....

Special Requests: Please call me after 5:30 because I am self-employed and my employer does not know I am looking for another job

Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 228
Location: CANADA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 17-11-04 06:25:44


Very Funny


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