Mortgage Fraud, how serious is it?

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Member since: Apr 09
Posts: 41

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-08-09 22:18:01

-What are the implications if someone gets charged with mrtgg fraud?

-Is it considered a serious crime, if some (again, repeat some, NOT all) fake documents are used to secure a mrtgg from a bank?

-What happens if the bank or other authorities comes to know about it?

-Where do I report a mrtgg fraud?

Member since: Apr 09
Posts: 41

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-08-09 22:08:02

No feedbacks yet...... :(

Member since: Dec 08
Posts: 1351
Location: Brampton, Ont, Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-08-09 09:23:02

May be you can give us more details about situations

Usually, nothing happen, its banks fault to verify all the documents before giving u mortgage. But then again its varies of different situations

'Some goals are so worthy, it's glorious even to fail.' (Param Vir Chakra awardee Lt. Manoj Pandey)

Rajeev Narula   
Member since: Mar 05
Posts: 409
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-08-09 12:14:40

You can report of a mortgage fraud to:

Usually, they will intervene if mortgage insurance is involved and the deal is not yet "closed".

For more information check this:

Rajeev Narula, Broker, REALTOR®
10 Kingsbridge Garden Circle, Suite 704
(Opp Square One - HWY10/403)
Mississauga, ON L5R 3K6
Bus: 1-888-355-3155 Ext. 300
Fax: 1-888-443-3155
Web:" rel="nofollow">LINK

Member since: Mar 09
Posts: 327

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-08-09 15:15:01

Real estate fraud is a broad term used to describe the different types of fraud that the real estate industry faces.

Mortgage fraud

Mortgage fraud is a type of real estate fraud that most often hurts the financial institutions that lend money for purchasing property. The most common form of mortgage fraud involves fraudsters acquiring property and then artificially increasing the property’s value through a series of sales and resales between the fraudster and someone in cooperation with them. A mortgage is then secured on the property based on the price that has been artificially inflated.

Title fraud

Title fraud is a different type of real estate fraud that most often hurts individual homeowners. In comparison to the more than two million real estate transactions that occur each year in the province, there are a limited number of cases of title fraud. The most common forms of title fraud involve fraudsters using stolen identities or forged documents to transfer a registered owner’s title to himself or herself without the registered owner’s knowledge. The fraudster then obtains a mortgage on this property and once the funds are advanced on the mortgage, he or she disappears. This type of fraud is also sometimes referred to as “mortgage fraud.”

Protect your property by protecting your identity

Ontario’s land registration system has a proven track record for security, accuracy and efficiency. Property owners in this province can trust in a constantly improving system that has introduced automation, electronic registration and enhanced security to land registration. The system is built on 200 years of legal and regulatory best practices, using the best technology currently available.

However, in any system, it is impossible to completely avoid fraud. Ontario homeowners can take an active role in protecting their property by protecting themselves from identity thieves. Fraudsters have been known to impersonate the owner of a property by obtaining false identification and then transferring property that does not belong to them. To help avoid this situation:

* Always store personal information, including your birth certificate, Social Insurance Number card, bank account numbers and credit card details, in a secure place that others cannot access.
* Never carry your birth certificate or SIN card in your wallet.
* Shred documents, such as credit card statements, before you discard them.
* Never reply to spam or e-mails that ask for banking information, credit card details, passwords or other sensitive information involving property you own.
* Check references from prospective renters if you are renting your property and be sure to check on your rental property regularly.

Be alert to identity theft

Pay attention to the following in order to detect fraud early:

* Tax statements or bills are unexpectedly mailed to your home, addressed to a different individual.
* You receive a phone call from a caller inquiring about a new mortgage that has already been arranged for your property.
* Bills do not arrive as expected.
* Creditors contact you regarding purchases you did not make.
* There are discrepancies in your bank or credit card statements.

Power of attorney

Another way in which you can protect yourself is by being cautious when granting power of attorney. Whenever you give another person a power of attorney that permits them to deal with your personal assets, you should consult with your lawyers or advisers regarding appropriate limitations.

Title insurance

Consumers can also talk to their lawyers and advisers about alternative methods of protection, including the benefits of purchasing title insurance.

Member since: Apr 09
Posts: 41

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-08-09 20:40:01

Well, I want to be a whistle blower to a transaction that has been already done, by submitting fake employment papers.

I want to bring this mrtgg transaction to the notice of the appropriate authorities, so that these kind of things stop. Because of few dishonest people, so many honest people gets affected.

Originally posted by Blue_Peafowl

May be you can give us more details about situations

Usually, nothing happen, its banks fault to verify all the documents before giving u mortgage. But then again its varies of different situations

Member since: Jan 07
Posts: 980

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-08-09 13:23:29

There is a house few houses down on my street..

The house is owned by a extended indian family.. The owner was also a owner of a indian store.

The store closed and the house was listed for power of sale beginning of this year.

After 2 months i see the same family back in the house.

I checked the ownership and find a convoluted trail of ownership all with same family name and alternating between the same owners..

basically A & B were original owners, then 5-6 years back B and C became new owners and now A is back as the owner..

Wonder if this can be reported as a fraud

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