Urgent-CGA Challange Exam

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Member since: Oct 04
Posts: 17
Location: Karachi

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-08-06 21:43:59

Hi CDs,
I intend to enroll for CGA certfication and have been granted 14 credit transfers out of a total 19 courses based on my CIMA-UK qualification. Four of the remaining courses have been evaluated as requiring attempt at Challange Examination. However, I am not getting a clear picture regarding these courses as do I have to enroll for these courses or only have to appear in exams and if I only have to appear in Exams then How I am going o get study material because CGA provide study material on the basis of course enrollment only. The course enrollment fee. e.g, Financial Accounting 4, of $675 is quite heavy as compared to the exam fee of $235 dollars for the challange exam. Can anyone help me sort out this.


Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 10-08-06 10:56:19

First: are you living in the GTA and Toronto area.
Second: Are you close to a library or a University, they have library too.
Three: Do you have Ids that you can use, such as drivers licence, Age of majority card to buy booze etc., (You can get one for $10.)
Four: Use these to get a Library Card for the Town you are in (GTA-Toronto)
Five: I see there are a lot of books available for the course study at most of the locations. I see TEN of them.
Get a Bus Pass weekly/ monthly and travel to these places and do a search.
Six: If you do have access to a computer and do your search at (Example)
http://www.tpl.toronto.on.ca/ will provide you with Toronto Public Library.
There are many branches. Find the nearest branch to where you live.
You can find out where these books are located in its physical form from them or ask them to get it for you where you are, will take three to seven days.
So, if you have a bus pass, then, go wherever the books are, because it is for your daily bread. Pick upto ten of these and they will let you keep them for three weeks. You can also renew them over the phone or over the NET for an additional time of three more weeks. Some are non renewable. Find out what the fines are.(Just for your info) Don't pay them if you don't have to. But some weeks you might not find time to drop off into the slot of ANY library. Hence the question.
In your search on the library site, punch in CGA and Voila, there are all the books you are looking for. Go check them out. See what you need. There may also be a better and newer selections. Talk to the librarian there. There are tons of free bees there, pick one of each and read them, get to know a lot of the details and how to compile them.
Hope this helps.
Good Luck.
I want to see the Mortar board on your head.


Member since: Oct 04
Posts: 17
Location: Karachi

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 10-08-06 20:38:38


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