ABY BABY - Kya Taste Hai !

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Member since: May 04
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Location: Miss, Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-05-06 09:58:42

Originally posted by BlueLobster

Originally posted by tamilkuravan

Can he be compared to Rajinikanth?

No he can't be. Both actors appeal to VERY different audiences.

To me, with whatever I've seen of RajiniKanth in the few Hindi movies I've seen him in, he's nothing more than a comedian (like a Mehmood or a Keshto).

I have to say that from what little I have seen of Rajnikant he relies on a lot of "gimmicks" like lighting a cigarette with his gun and his way of putting on sunglasses which probably goes very well with the audiences he caters to. One role in which I really enjoyed his acting was Chaalbaaz which did not have a lot of his gimmicks.

Amitabh's forte is his command of the language and his dialogue delivery which combined with his voice makes him a formidable actor in the "angry young man" roles he portrayed in Trishul, Kala Pathar etc. I don't think that there has been an actor who has been as well rounded as him in terms of overall personality, voice and charisma. Just my personal opinion....

I have only 2 cents to contribute, not a cent more, not a cent less ;-)

Member since: Jun 05
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-05-06 10:09:46

My 2 Cents and Others,
The problem that happened to Rajinikanth was that some directors made him do the "Gimmiks" to cater to Village audiences. This was specifically done by the director SP Muthuraman. Apart from that all his movies are really good and portray his superior acting skills. Someone needs to have watched a significant no. of movies to summerise this.
His first movies were very good (mostly directed by SP Balachander) and his latter movies were also good. In between the directors introduced him to the "Masala" type of movies which did not need his acting skills to be shown.

I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: Oct 02
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-05-06 10:38:44

Originally posted by jake3d

I think Amitabhs acting is a bit predictable...I say the same about Robert de niro. Probably the limitations of the kind of roles they take/get. I did see Amitabh get out of his comfort zone in 'black'...when he was decending into dementia.

Agreed, it is predictable. But his charisma makes the predictable a good thing. Its one of those predictables people look forward to.

Absolutely, Amitabh is not one of those actors who the role will consume. Rather he consumes the role. But in his case, its something people like. I'll give you an example. I was in Fiji for a while and Bollywood is VERY popular there owing to the high number of ethnic Indians who to this day speak Hindi (a twisted version though ;) )

The native Fijians do not speak Hindi generally. However Amitabh was the only actor whose movies would draw both audiences. I asked a Fijian friend of mine who why he saw those movies (without subtitles at that time), his reply was that with Amitabh, you don't need to understand the language really. You just know what he's saying. And sometimes, it didn't matter what he was saying.

He's one of those rare combinations of looks, voice, dialogue delivery, charisma etc. etc. Of course, I'm talking about the Amitabh of "Sholay, Kaalia, Namak Halal, Satte pe Satta" etc etc. Not the Amitabh of "mard" or "coolie" or some of the more recent flops. He's a money-making machine now, acting takes second place.

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Member since: Oct 02
Posts: 3409
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-05-06 10:39:51

Originally posted by my2cents

Amitabh's forte is his command of the language and his dialogue delivery which combined with his voice makes him a formidable actor in the "angry young man" roles he portrayed in Trishul, Kala Pathar etc. I don't think that there has been an actor who has been as well rounded as him in terms of overall personality, voice and charisma. Just my personal opinion....

Well said!

And I don't mean to put down Ranijikanth, I'm just saying that its not fair for me to judge him as an actor based on his smoke lighting antics.

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