Serial blast in Hyderabad

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Member since: Aug 10
Posts: 2009

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-02-13 10:43:13

Originally posted by Nightmare

Originally posted by bhootnath

Originally posted by Rajagopal
..... when all the facts come out?

......that it could be "hindu terrrorism" whereas the facts could be something else.

Personally speaking, terror acts in India is due to insensitive nature of Indians in general and Hindu cowardice and tunnel visions of Hindu in particular.

So will you please enlighten how a hindu should show bravery?, a hindu family guy in particular ? and also which religion is showing bravery now a days?

Member since: Jul 04
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-02-13 10:56:36

Originally posted by KumarM

May be the work of MIM or IM (Afzal Guru issue). TV stations reporting 15 dead and 50 seriously injured.

May be a wild conspiracy theory, but how about someone who wanted to steal the political mileage that Congress got out of Guru/Kasab hanging?

MIM or IM may be the pawns. Who provides them with funding? Who provides them all other assistance as needed?

Saddest part is the political game being played between the centre and states. Why didn't the Hyderabad state gov't take Centre's warning seriously? Why weren't CCTV working? Nobody paid attention to that?

Going by Twitter trends, we Indians are more interested about cricket and movies. Who cares about 15 lives lost :down: It would be shame if the political scene remained same even after 2014 elections.

RGV now makes movie about 26/11 attacks and promotes it on Twitter. Nobody seems to be shocked about it.

Member since: Apr 06
Posts: 1170

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-02-13 18:28:23

Originally posted by san-hugo

Originally posted by Nightmare

Originally posted by bhootnath

Originally posted by Rajagopal
..... when all the facts come out?

......that it could be "hindu terrrorism" whereas the facts could be something else.

Personally speaking, terror acts in India is due to insensitive nature of Indians in general and Hindu cowardice and tunnel visions of Hindu in particular.

So will you please enlighten how a hindu should show bravery?, a hindu family guy in particular ? and also which religion is showing bravery now a days?

Lol! I was waiting for a response from a pseudo-secular like you. It is just that you beat Puttoo – er, may be you have a different “Avatar”. And now you need explanations. Hm… The cowardice of Hindu is in not confronting reality. They like to live in Utopia of the kind sold by Obamas and Manmohans of the world where everything is hunky dory and where one can live in peace with people following religion of peace. I understand that when a person is confronted with a tough issue, most take easy way out like my uncle did when he was diagnosed with Cancer. He chose not to confront, refused any treatment and went for “Aurvedic” (Baba Ramdev Kind) medicine and died five months later. The Hindu society in India is same kind of coward. They have chosen to ignore the history and the past. They refuse to learn from the past that they were not united and hence a tiny army of savages invaded them, pillaged them and made them slave. The slavery lasted for 1,000 years. Thanks to Gandhiji, Tilak, Sardar and others tht thry were free. However, Slave mentality has made them addicted. Instead of following Hindu dharma and its tenets, they have become “sekkular” or agnostic and are ready to submit to slavery again. That is the cowardice I am talking about. As they say, cultures do not die. They commit suicide. The Hindu culture is travelling fast on the road to suicide. Can you otherwise explain how so called Harvard/Oxford/JNU kind of brilliant “economists” and lawyers are licking boots of an ex waitress or dim wit undergraduate? How can a society be so degraded that in spite being subjected to savage and brutal attack of 26/11 go on to elect the collaborators of the savages? How can a society be subjected to recurring bloody attacks and still not raise even a feeble voice?

I am sure that I can fill up 10 more pages with incidents where the Hindu have been subjected to a very degrading and inhuman treatment but they have chosen to not to confront the monster. That is the cowardice that I am talking about.

I am sure a moron like you or Puttoo would respond to my post by copy/paste some link. In fact, I have observed that when you guys respond, there is hardly anyone else out of 60,000 odd CD members who respond. I guess most of them would be “Hindu”. Lol!

Member since: Apr 06
Posts: 1170

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-02-13 18:32:03

May be a wild conspiracy theory, but how about someone who wanted to steal the political mileage that Congress got out of Guru/Kasab hanging?

MIM or IM may be the pawns. Who provides them with funding? Who provides them all other assistance as needed?

Lol! Another "Sickkular" with a theory. I guess it Narendra Modi who is responsible. He "created" riots and now poor muslims are retaliating. Am I right?

Member since: Aug 10
Posts: 2009

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-02-13 23:17:05

Originally posted by Nightmare

I am sure that I can fill up 10 more pages with incidents where the Hindu have been subjected to a very degrading and inhuman treatment but they have chosen to not to confront the monster. That is the cowardice that I am talking about.

Cut the bull shit and anwer what I asked in simple to comprehend question. Suggest your hindu country men - 'how to show the bravery ?'

Member since: Apr 06
Posts: 1170

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-02-13 23:24:54

Originally posted by san-hugo

Originally posted by Nightmare

I am sure that I can fill up 10 more pages with incidents where the Hindu have been subjected to a very degrading and inhuman treatment but they have chosen to not to confront the monster. That is the cowardice that I am talking about.

Cut the bull shit and anwer what I asked in simple to comprehend question. Suggest your hindu country men - 'how to show the bravery ?'

Lol! I gave you more credit than you deserve. Answer is simple. By not being coward. Please read my whole lecture again.

Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 1233
Location: India.

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 24-02-13 11:56:48

On Prince Rahul Gandhi ascending the throne at the Jaipur Congress meet, Home Minister Shinde became very emotional and declared that it was the BJP and RSS that are running terror training camps and promoting Safron terrorism.

This man is the Home Minister of our country and is supposed to catch the terrorists.

Having made such an atrocious statement he should have arrested all those whom he accused and if could not prove that he should have resigned his post.

He did not do either of that .

Now when we accuse IM, ISI, Pakistan for Hyderabad blasts, will they not use Shinde's statement against us.

May be for that very purpose he made that statement.

Meanwhile, if we are looking for looking for brides and grooms from Pakistan for the youth in our city, instead of from our land, we should be prepared for such eventualities.

What else Pakistan can provide?


Contributors: Nightmare(11) puttoo(4) san-hugo(3) meghal(3) Rajagopal(3) bhootnath(2) metouk(2) KumarM(2) febpreet(1) Delhite(1) Rohit_A(1) ramar2005(1) dhaval(1)

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